NoSQL operator: getrow

Selects rows matching a given AWK expression using column names.

Usage: getrow [options] [--] expression


    -i 'file'
      Read input from 'file' instead of STDIN.

      Display this help text.

      Remove header from output.

      Display the resulting AWK program instead of running it.


This program is meant to be used interactively at the command-line,
where speed does not matter much. Programs and scripts should
preferably use 'awktable' and the relevant native syntax.

The following names are reserved to the AWK language, and should not
be used to indicate column names:

BEGIN, END, break, continue, else, exit, exp, for, getline, if, in,
index, int, length, log, next, print, printf, split, sprintf, sqrt,
substr, while, and possibly others. See awk(1) for more on this.

Hint: if all you need is to pick records that match a list of primary
keys, then a better/faster alternative would be to use the 'filtertable'
operator, like this:

     filtertable -- grep -f pick_list < input_table

where 'pick_list' is a file containing one key per line, each prepended
by a caret (^) and followed by a TAB, to make sure that it matches the
table leftmost field, that is the primary key.